Oregon Health & Science University

Health IT

Telemedicine at work: Oregon docs save baby’s life

The future of healthcare is happening now in Oregon. When a seven-month-old baby had a fever over 102 and a rash, doctors at a small hospital in rural Oregon used telemedicine to connect to Oregon Heath and Science University. She was eventually diagnosed with a serious bacterial infection. The decision? To fly the child to the Portland, […]

Health IT

Oregon picks 33 criteria to measure health as part of $2B healthcare reform experiment

The Obama Administration gave Oregon almost $2 billion to come up with its own system to coordinate care better. The idea is to get doctors, nurses, hospitals and other caregivers to work together -- and get paid well -- to keep people healthy and to get rid of wasteful, unnecessary care. The federal dollars will go to the providers who do a good job, so first the state had to figure out what constitutes good coordinated care.